Why Eligibility Matters
Adding your music to the YouTube Content ID service is powerful because it automatically generates claims against other people’s videos that match any portion of your music. Even if you exclusively own all of the content, not all content is suitable for claiming through Content ID.
Some genres are not appropriate for this service because they generate incorrect results called false claims. We automatically exclude those genres.
What is eligible?
✅ Your content must be original. If you have used ANY content you did not create yourself, please review the ineligible content list below.
✅ Your release must be delivered to YouTube Music.
What is not eligible?
Below are some examples of ineligible content for Content ID (this is not an exhaustive list):
❌ Cover songs - regardless of cover license, including karaoke versions
❌ Public domain compositions, speeches, recordings, or footage
❌ Content licensed non-exclusively from a third party (such as samples or beats that are not exclusively licensed)
❌ Content released under Creative Commons or similar free/open licenses
❌ Clips from other sources used under fair use principles
❌ Video gameplay footage (by anyone other than the game’s publisher)
❌ Songs already monetized on YouTube by another distributor
❌ Content containing any audio library samples, sound effects, or production loops (such as GarageBand loops)
❌ Any content that is not exclusive to you
❌ Compilations: such as mashups, countdown lists, continuous DJ mixes, or full-album sound recordings that play within a single track
❌ Tracks longer than 10 minutes
Important: Violations of these guidelines may lead to permanent blocking of your track(s) from Content ID.
Why was my music removed?
The Soundrop Content Management team is responsible for enforcing compliance with YouTube guidelines. As such, they will periodically audit the content delivered to YouTube Content ID. If they find content that violates these guidelines or are made aware of violations, they will remove the content without notice. This is covered by our Terms of Service.
Links to third-party sites are provided purely for informational purposes and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information. These sites are governed by our artist agreement and privacy policy.